I don't know about you guys, but I sometimes struggle with my productivity in the work place. I have the attitude that as long as I make all my deadlines I'm good. Even though this is true, I know I can be doing more. Below are some tips that help me get on track when I fall off.

1. WORK WHILE AT WORK- this sounds simple enough but I want you to really think about it. Are you really working while at work? If I was to answer that question truthfully the answer would be 'no'. I spend a good amount of time at work socializing, surfing the web, lurking on social media, on the phone, and group messaging my friends. That sounds horrible but it is the reality of most employed people. In this economy we are blessed to have a job, so we should treat our jobs as a blessing. So remember, from 9:00 - 5:00 (or whatever hours you work) you are not on YOUR time, you are on your employers time. Colossians 3:23 says it best "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters".
2. SAY NO- Now I'm not telling you to be the mean co worker but you need to know when to say no. Think about this, was there ever a time at work when you stopped working on what you were doing to help a coworker? I know I have. While this is the nice thing to do, it is not always the most productive. You should help your coworkers AFTER you help yourself. You don't have to be rude, but next time a coworkers ask for your help while you are busy, try saying "I'll help you as soon as I finish this report". By doing this, you'll still be a great team player but you'll accomplish what you need to do first.
3. GET ORGANIZED - This seems easy enough but you would be surprised how many people are not organized in the work place. When someone asks you for something you should know where it is IMMEDIATELY, not search though different files on you computer to find it. One way I stay organized is by scanning everything...I mean everything. Once I scan the document I save it in a named folder so I can easily find it. Another way to stay organized is by keeping your workplace clean. I don't know about you but I feel way better when my room is clean, the same goes for my office at work.
Hopefully these tips can help you be more productive at work. Let us know some things you do to increase your productivity. XOXO Angelle