These cover-ups can be found at your local H&M or Hope you all have a fabulous summer! XOXO -Angelle
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Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Summertime Chic
Hey Ladies! It's finally summertime! While we love going to the beach, some of us dread what to wear to the beach. Most of us focus on our swimsuit but I think the most important beach accessory is our swimsuit cover-up. The cover-up is so important because not only can it be worn to the beach/pool but also around town running errands. Below are some hot cover-ups to get you through the summertime:
Start The Day Off With The Spirit of Expectancy
Good Morning!!!!
I like to start my day off with a daily devotional reading from Joyce Meyer. Today my reading essentially was about having the spirit of expectancy, hoping for good things to happen in our lives. So, I hope today's devotional spiritually feeds you and is a start to a great day!
Return to your fortress, you prisoners of hope; even now I announce that I will restore twice as much to you. (Zechariah 9:12 NIV)
What Are You Hoping for?
I have a question for you: What are you hoping for? What are you expecting in life? Are you looking for something good to happen or are you expecting to be disappointed?
So many people are feeling hopeless these days. However, Jesus did not die for us to be hopeless. He died so that we could be full of hope.
The devil wants to steal your hope and he will lie to you. He'll tell you that nothing good can happen in your life or that the things you care about won't last. If you're struggling with a difficult situation, he'll tell you it will never end. But you have to stay full of hope and remember that the devil is a liar. God can change everything!
Our Father is good, and He has good plans for your life. If you will maintain your hope, especially in the midst of troubled and uncertain times, He has promised you "double for your trouble". So refuse to give up hope. Start expecting God to do something, something good!
Prayer Starter: Lord, my hope is in You. Satan is a liar and I will not listen to him and lose hope. I expect You to do good things in my life.
I have a question for you: What are you hoping for? What are you expecting in life? Are you looking for something good to happen or are you expecting to be disappointed?
So many people are feeling hopeless these days. However, Jesus did not die for us to be hopeless. He died so that we could be full of hope.
The devil wants to steal your hope and he will lie to you. He'll tell you that nothing good can happen in your life or that the things you care about won't last. If you're struggling with a difficult situation, he'll tell you it will never end. But you have to stay full of hope and remember that the devil is a liar. God can change everything!
Our Father is good, and He has good plans for your life. If you will maintain your hope, especially in the midst of troubled and uncertain times, He has promised you "double for your trouble". So refuse to give up hope. Start expecting God to do something, something good!
Prayer Starter: Lord, my hope is in You. Satan is a liar and I will not listen to him and lose hope. I expect You to do good things in my life.
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Start The Day Off With Love
Good Morning!!!
Love attracts love, love is the main ingredient for supernatural, divine power. Practice love daily by thinking of all your loved ones and express how grateful you are to have them. Then, think about the love of Christ and how faithful and true his undying love is for us. Celebrate the fact that nothing can seperate us from the love of God! Now, take a moment and close your eyes(after reading this whole post lol). Slowly Inhale then exhale and visualize your most perfect dream setting, whether a new house, your wedding, a luxury vacation whatever dream setting you want and picture yourself there with all of the people you love. Really get in the moment, hear them say their favorite lines, hear them say they are proud of you and they love you, feel their hugs, feel the positive energy in the place. After you are finished you should feel the great power of love working in your life. You have now attracted more love into your life and that dream situation.
Have a great week!
Blessings to you,
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life ? (Matthew 6:27 NIV)
Worrying does us absolutely no good. It doesn't change one thing, and we waste time by being upset over stuff we can't do anything about, things only God can change.
The Bible says we can't even add one inch to our height by worrying. Yet, we worry, worry, worry, which gets us nowhere.
Every time we get really upset, it takes a lot of emotional energy, tires us out, messes with our health, steals our joy, and still doesn't change one thing. We need to stop trying to fix things that only God can fix because the only one who's clapping is the devil, saying, "Ha, ha, ha! Got 'em again!"
Jesus tells us to "calm down" in John 14:27 and"cheer up" in John 16:33. I think it's a one-two knockout punch to the devil when we do. When you realize you can't fix everything, that calms you down, and when You know that God can, it cheers you up!
So don't worry. Instead, calm down, cheer up, and send the devil running!
Prayer Starter: Lord, my worrying really doesn't accomplish anything, so I leave it behind. I'm so thankful that You can fix what I can't. You calm me down and cheer me up!
-Joyce Meyer, Daily Devotional
Thursday, May 15, 2014
So true!
My bro Tony placed a dose of truth on my IG timeline today.
I will like to further say, you can't change anyone but yourself so you should only be worried about yourself. If you can't take any responsibility for the relationship woes in your life then you are a lost cause and bound to have a life riddled with problems and no solutions.
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Joyce Meyer Daily Devotion, 1 Corinthians 12:11
Good Morning,
I read another daily devotion I wanted to share with you today. Enjoy your daily bread.
People ask me all the time how to discover and develop the gifts God has given them. Here are a few helpful steps that I've discovered:
1. Focus on the strengths God gave you. Concentrating on your strengths will help you fulfill the calling God has put on your life.
2. Exercise your gift. Find something you like to do and that you do well, and do it over and over again. Want to know what will happen? You will feel better about yourself because you won't be constantly failing.
3. Have the courage to be different. Unhappiness comes when you try to be like everyone else rather than embracing the unique person that you are.
4. Learn to cope with criticism. Have enough confidence in who you are in Christ that you can listen to others and be open to change without feeling you have to agree with their viewpoint or attain their approval.
God has planted greatness in you. Let today be the beginning of a great adventure as you step into the gifts He's given you.
Prayer Starter: God, I want to cultivate and develop the gifts You've given me. Give me the courage to follow You and develop the gifts and abilities You've put inside me.
Friday, May 9, 2014
You Are The Prize!

When you understand you're the prize, you won't tolerate being treated like a punishment. If a guy is interested in you his job isn't to figure out why or if you like him the first moment you meet him, his job is to pursue you in a way so that he wins your attention and later your affection.
I hate when I hear stories of guys asking girls questions like why do you like me, what do you like about me the moment they meet a girl. Those questions and girls responding is subliminally sending a message that the girl is pursuing the guy when it should be the other way around. This isn't a job interview, he should ask you what kind of things you like and be interested in getting to know you instead of asking you why do you like him when you don't even know him. Don't forget, you are the prize and everything they do should be to impress you.
Image courtesy of digitalart /
I hate when I hear stories of guys asking girls questions like why do you like me, what do you like about me the moment they meet a girl. Those questions and girls responding is subliminally sending a message that the girl is pursuing the guy when it should be the other way around. This isn't a job interview, he should ask you what kind of things you like and be interested in getting to know you instead of asking you why do you like him when you don't even know him. Don't forget, you are the prize and everything they do should be to impress you.
Image courtesy of digitalart /
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Joyce Meyer Daily Devotion, Acts 17:28
Real Love - the Energy of Life!
"Love is the energy of life. It's what motivates people to get up each day and keep going. It gives life purpose and meaning.
People often have times in their lives when they believe they are unloved or have no one to love. They develop this mindset because they are looking for fulfillment in ways that seem good at first but often leave them feeling frustrated, disappointed and empty inside.
Does this ever happen to you? Do you ever look for love and end up feeling unfulfilled? Let me ask you this: What kind of love are you pursuing?
You may be looking for love, but really, you're looking for God, because He is love. Any love you gain that is disconnected from God is not really love and will leave you feeling unfulfilled.
The Bible says that in Him we live, move, and have our being. That tells me that without Him, life is not complete.
Everyone is looking for love, but are you looking for God's love? It's the only love that matters, the only love that lasts, and the only love that fulfills.
Prayer Starter: Lord, I don't want to spend my life unfulfilled, pursuing love that's not from You. If it's not found in You, it's not real love, because You are love. Today, I find my love in You."
I'm a few days behind in my reading but the reading above is from May 1st and it was so good, I wanted to share!
Love y'all!
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Daily Spiritual Vitamin
Good Morning!
I know you already know this but I came to remind you, what GOD has for you is for you!!!! No bad decision, slick person, temptation, family member, competitor, corporation, school, organization, friend or foe can stop God and his plans! Get in alignment so you can feel that peace above all understanding and have the strength, courage, and wisdom to do your best and have the spirit of expectancy to attract Gods grace, favor, and mercy!
Hallelujah! Thank Ya Jesus!
Blessings and love to you and yours!
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