Image courtesy of sscreations /
Ladies I need your opinion, so early 2012 I met a guy. We had great conversation and could talk to each other for hours. We once went to lunch together but other than that no dates, phone conversations, kisses, hugs, nothing romantic. I had a crush on him and I sensed he had a crush on me but it kinda faded once I learned his extremist ideology on certain controversial subjects. However, we stayed in contact, HE WOULD always check in on me periodically via text. Last month he even said "we needed to talk and catch up". He would accuse me of being "Hollywood" and not contacting him, respond to his text etc. lol
Fast forward to Tuesday, he texts me and does the usual how are you, where have you been, jokes about rappers and entertainers. So on Thurs I was curious to know if my new friend knew Mr. Periodically Check In Guy since they went to the same college. I checked my new friend's Facebook friends list and up came Mr Periodically Check In Guy's profile. His profile pic had him sitting next to a girl in a wedding dress and I immediately debated in my head whether this girl was his wife or sister. After going through his FB profile and hers lol. I can state without a shadow of a doubt that is his new beautiful wife as of June 2013. Looking back we ALWAYS had innocent conversation, like I said nothing romantic happened between us but you would think he would mention he was married or engaged during the mini check ins, how are yous, and what have you been up tos, etc. My question to you is am I justified in being shocked and appalled in finding out he is a newlywed?!?
Sincerely Shocked,
Eligible Bachelorette